
We fix your phone like it’s our own

Battery Service & Replacement

Battery Service & Replacement-1-1-own
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

We pride our expertise in serving phone batteries. The battery is one of the most critical part of the phone. It is not only responsible to deliver the energy necessary to power the device but also to deliver optimum performance. We check the following to fully understand the battery performance and its impact on the phone durability:

  • if the phone battery drains quickly

  • if takes too long to charge,

  • if is unable to hold the charge

  • if switches off with more than 1% charge remaining

  • if screen is bulging out from the frame

  • if the phone is heating up and discharges abnormally

  • if the phone is not switching on at all

  •  if the phone is charging but won’t turn on.